A trip down memory lane with our founder

A trip down memory lane with our founder

What started as a side project has now turned into more than just a brand. Carousel is a living, breathing & growing community of the warmest people with the kindest souls. All of us trying to inspire and uplift each other in our own ways. As more of you join us on this journey, we wanted to take a trip down the memory lane and give you a glimpse of how it all started. Here's a candid interview with our founder, Twisha Maniar.

1. When did you start Carousel and what gave you the idea?
As an interior designer by profession, the thought of bringing somebody's dream home to life would light me up. While creating this space, I would always try to add a personality to the home that would reflect the person's style and beliefs. While trying to source these products, I'd come to realize that we didn't have a lot of suitable options in India, which is why I started creating these products myself, and that's how Carousel was born! This was back in 2013.

2. What does Carousel mean and how did you decide on this name?
Literally it means a merry-go round, especially at fairs. The idea was to have a name that creates beautiful dreamt images and feelings that invoke warmth in the soul. I was having a conversation with a friend about naming the brand and she suggested "How about Carousel?" and the name clicked. A few moments later, I walked up to a live sized Carousel at the South Bank, London and it was serendipity at its best! Also, I love the fact that it goes around, just like life! It is very symbolic.

The only drawback to it, however, is that people mispronounce it a lot of times! Its "Car-ou-sel" not "Carousel" (insert a very judgemental Hermoine tone)

Carousel at South Bank, London

The Carousel at South Bank, London

3. Being an entrepreneur takes courage and comes with a steep learning curve. Did you always know you wanted to run your own company?
I always knew I wanted to do something of my own, but I never thought I'd become an entrepreneur. The thought of being one would always sound very serious to me. When I started, I had a friend (Hey Sanam!) who was doing it with me but we weren't remotely as ambitious or driven with the idea of running a formal company. We were just a pair of naive eyes who only wanted to make pretty things.
Unfortunately, she had to leave the country and it was upon me to decide how I wanted to shape it. One thing led to another and here we are!

4. What was the first product you sold?
A bundle of tea light votives that had cliched Coldplay quotes on it!
Our very first product
Our very first product

5. What has been the most memorable moment for Carousel so far?
There have been so many! The first sale to our very first flea! But the most memorable one and a favourite till date is the time when we got our first intern! It is a moment I can never forget :)

6. Lastly, what has been your biggest learning?
All my life I believed in figuring out things by myself so it was very hard to delegate at first, but once I did the greatest learning has been to be able let go of the areas you're not an expert in and trusting your team to deal it with it in a far better way than you! And also saying true to "WHY" Always helps in moments of self-doubt.

And with that's it for today. Thank you for indulging us. If you would like to know more about Carousel, comment your questions below and we'd be happy to answer. :)

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