2021 Vision board ideas for every personality

2021 Vision board ideas for every personality

Between trying to slow down and catch a breath with our loved ones, to wrapping up all the loose ends while preparing for our big dreams for the new year, the last few days are always the craziest every year. It does involve a fair amount of screaming into our pillows at night but well, we thrive through it all! It’s a magical kind of chaos and we cherish every bit of it! And this year we invite you to join us, for the magic part at least. Let’s spend these last few days making our vision board for 2021. We know a lot of you have been looking forward to this. In fact you guys insisted that we add it to our Undated Planner this year, so let’s get right into it. 

First things first, what is a vision board?

Well, it’s a place to visualize the kind of life you want to be living. It is a powerful manifestation tool as it serves as a reminder for us to keep moving towards all those big dreams! Typically created as a collage of pictures and words, a vision board can take many forms, be it on an actual board or a collage on your wall or even something in your daily planner. Irrespective of where you choose to make it, the important thing is to actually spend time looking at it and visualizing your goals on a regular basis through the year.
Now, figuring out what you want to have in your life is daunting enough let alone designing a pretty looking vision board. So here, let us help you with that. Don’t worry if you don’t think you’re creative or crafty. We’ve got some beautiful vision board ideas for you to get inspired from. No matter what personality type are you, we have got something for everyone. 


1. The organized one

Now this is for people who like everything to be organized from their home to their workspace to their phones/laptops. They have a dedicated space for everything and their vision board should have that too. So to start with, you can pick a basic layout with rectangles and arrange them symmetrically or in a way that your Marie Kondo self feels the most happy with. One way to go about it can be treating each rectangle as an area of your life like career, personal, health, finance etc. and picking a picture or a quote for it. You can also experiment with different shapes like circles or our personal favourite bunting shape to add interest and highlight some key goals.

Vision board ideas 2021 organized


2. The bossy lady

This one goes out to all the boss ladies out there! Think of yourself as a brand. Think of the kind of vibe you want to have, the colors that represent you, the way you talk or want to talk, your mission in life, what you value the most and so on. You will slowly start seeing a picture forming of this beautiful brand that is YOU! And now it’s time to sell it with a mood board with your colors, your beliefs, your personality! Own it like the badass lady you are! If we had to pick one layout for ourselves, this would be it! 

 Vision board ideas 2021 creative unique


3. The creative one

The sky's the limit for you guys. Experiment with different shapes and arrange them organically. You could also draw or write in your vision board to add your personal touch. Maybe even add a cute envelope with a letter to yourself that you can open at the end of the year. Feel free to use different materials as well like tassels, fabrics, washi tapes, or dried flowers. They will add a lovely dimension to your board and make it uniquely you. 

 Vision board ideas 2021 creative unique


4. The wordsmith

Ah! This is for all lovely people who love reading, writing and are found saving quotes wherever they can! Well, your vision board has got to reflect that, right? Take a piece of poetry that reflects your vision for your life, one that speaks to your very soul and make that the central theme of your vision board. Everything else can be inspired by it, the colors, the pictures, everything. If you can't make up your mind about one thing, feel free to use a set of quotes. 

 Vision board ideas 2021 quotes affirmations


5. The detailed one

If you are the kind of person who wants to cover all grounds before they do anything, well this one's for you. You wouldn’t want to leave anything out and this would mean making room for the tiniest detail. We recommend layering for you. Fill the entire board with big pictures or quotes first. Then add in all more details on top of the first layer as smaller pieces of papers or sticky notes or word cutouts. OR you could take up a wall that’s been sitting empty for years. 

 Vision board ideas 2021 wall layout


And that brings us to the end of our last blog post of 2020. Hope you got some inspiration to get started on your 2021 vision board. Of course, you could be a combination of these personality types so feel free to mix and match. We will be creating ours soon and will share our progress on Instagram, so be sure to catch us there.


Here’s Team Carousel signing off & wishing you all a very Happy New Year! See you in 2021! <3

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1 comment

This is so damn well thought and put out! Keep up the beautiful work!!!!!!!

Lincy Abraham

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